Automatic intelligent driving Assistant is launching the Android version, which consists of inserting a small hardware and mobile applications in the car, and drivers can collect data on vehicle and driving habits. Comparative prior iOS version, this version provides Android "exclusive" new features-"do not disturb" and crash alarm.
Still in the Beta version of crash alarm function as a test function, has now landed in iOS and Android platforms for testing. The programme by increasing the mobile, GM OnStar vehicle security system, and facilitate the use of the integrated system. After you enable this feature, Automatic can automatically detect whether the user has a serious accident and sends the user's location to the nearest police station, even beyond the alarm calls of users can get help.
In addition, the artificial intelligence system will also notify users of important family and friends, so that they can help deal with the emergency.
Allegedly, when they began to develop the Android version, emphasis on security has been the focus of development work. In addition, they also introduced the "muted automatically during driving" function, which lets owners during the driving is not disturbed by incoming calls and SMS. Of course, this application is and depths with the Android system, so that when a user automatically answer a call while driving and texting, calling party know you are driving.
In many cases a user cannot exit from the mobile phones and other devices, at that time, how do I let users concentrate on driving has become a big problem. Data shows that every year up to 1.6 million crashes caused by texting while driving. Meanwhile, 78% of the youth said they will read text messages in even on the road. These man-made problems, not only because of the human nature of the pursuit of instant gratification-the text message sender who is curious, but also because we think that text back as soon as possible is the obligation.
In this case, Automatic so that even if a user does not touch the phone, can also reply message function is very useful.
For many years, there are many similar products want to deal with this issue, such as Sonalight,Drive,txtBlocker,Textecution, AT&T's DriveMode,DriveOFF, and so on. But what's frustrating is they are still hard to use and not enough fashion (well, at least the young). Automatic help also lets Android under the range Rover vehicle safety features, its platform to attract more users. Victorias Secret iPhone
Its Android available for free download in Google Play, but it's iOS version you need combined with a hardware device that plugged into the onboard USB ports work, whose price is $ 99.95 (not subject to service fees). Automatic team said since its launch last month, number of users has increased by 5 times, but did not disclose details of number of users and revenue.
Via: Techchrunch
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